Thursday, May 6, 2010

Congrats to Lois on the Purchase of Legion!

Congratulations to Lois Wifall of California on the purchase of Last Legion. Legion was the last foal by the famous thoroughbred stallion American Legion. She is in foal to the Hanoverian stallion Locksley from Hassler Dressage. Lois plans on taking Legion & her foal to the Hanoverian inspection. They have been very impressed with her laid back & sweet temperament. Lois said she is getting pretty big and her udder is getting full. It’s just a waiting game now.

It’s a boy!

Congratulations to Jackie Gates on the birth of her colt out of Mall hopper. Jackie purchased Molly from us last year and bred Molly to Gatsby, a 17h black Oldenburg stallion of Foxdale Farms. They have named him Kokoro which means spirit in Japanese. Jackie said he is huge and looks a bit like a giraffe right now, but the foal is doing well and thriving.

Lucy in training

Ann has started training Lucy with playground equipment. She sent us a picture of her on the pedestal and a wonderful video of her on the seesaw for the first time. Ann said that she is so good about everything that she asks of her, she said that Lucy learns fast and really enjoys it. Mountain Pearl foals have such wonderful temperaments. She clips her & vacuums her & she is already self loading in the trailer. Check out the link below to see her on the seesaw.

Congrats to Sara on the purchase of Je T’Aime!

Congratulation to Sara McNeil of Devers, Texas on the purchase of Je T’Aime. Sara is keeping Je T’Aime at Falconwood Farms, owned by Kelly Kays DVM.  She said that she has settled in well and has even found herself a new boyfriend, one of her pasture mates, an Arabian gelding. She said that everyone has been amazed at her wonderful disposition. After their ride the other day, when she turned Je T’Aime out to pasture, instead of going through the gate to reach her buddies she popped over a small coop built into the fence. She said that she must have been feeling pretty good that day!

Do the Dew

Bono does the Dew! You can’t go out in the pasture with a Mountain Dew without Bono insisting you share it with him.