Thursday, May 7, 2009

Topsider Farm Spring I Schooling Show

I thought I would start a little blog to keep everyone updated with the goings on at the farm. I have been having trouble lately with my webhosting service and have been scared to update my website. Every time I change anything on the website I have a problem with the older version “ghosting” on their server (it superimposes on the current version). So here we are!

This year we are giving Nanja the year off from broodmare duties to focus on her dressage career. Her first show this year was the Topsider Farm Spring Schooling Show, February 28th. The day was a bracing 50 degrees and there were 35mph winds. And to top it all off Nanja was in season and in love with one & all! Everone was bundled up in their jackets and gloves (this includes the riders). Despite the conditions they placed well. Candy entered Nanja in the Training Level Test 4 and placed 3rd, and she placed 2nd in the First level Test 1.

We entered Vixen (ridden by Kelly Sulik) in the Green as Grass 3, USDF A & B. She placed 1st in a three classes. Overall it was an excellent day and we sure cleaned up!